A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.

Provide Vendor point of contact information, Vendor support agreement / contract number information, and reason for not using a DOM supported machine.

Vendor and device model information: General Description of the purpose of the device (Microscope, freezer monitor, controller pc, imager, etc…)

Vendor point of contact information

Please provide Vendor support agreement / contract number information

Does this device require the use of shared logins? If yes, state the business case reason for this.

Describe why a shared login is needed for this computer.

What does the device need to connect to? (specify server and or internet URL’s)

For equipment supplied by a 3rd party vendor, will the vendor authorize administrative access to the device?

Does the device need to be remote controlled by the Vendor?

Please provide as much info as you can about what the device needs to connect to and if it needs access to the DOM network, provide the specific path.

Will the vendor allow endpoint management tools to be installed on the device? (Zenworks, Symantec, Secunia, Active Directory) If not, explain why it is not authorized.

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