A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.
NOTE: Please select appropriate Division - NOT just Department of Medicine (this is for Education, Communications, ORS, Finance, or Operations)
Provide the name of the NEW folder (network share) to be created
Provide the First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name of the people you would like to authorize access to the network file share.
Enter name of the person responsible for authorizing user access (This person is the data custodian or PI on the IRB protcol) and confirm that the access is appropriate and necessary. Attach the IRB protocol if applicable. HIPAA training is required prior to establishing access. Accounts must have an end date not to exceed 12 months. Accounts with inactivity over 6 months will be automatically set to inactive. You are responsibile to submit a termination request form if access should be terminated prior to the duration specified in this request.