Network Logon
When you are using your PC laptop dock or are connected to the DOM wired network.
Computer Only Logon
When you are not connected to the network.
Before you can take your laptop on the road for the first time, you must do a wired-DOM-Network login.
1. Connect the laptop to the docking station or directly to the wired DOM network.
2. When you get to the login screen, select Network Logon
3. Put in your DOM ID and password, then wait a few minutes while the computer goes through setting up your local account and gets to the desktop. (The next login will go more quickly!)
4. Log off, disconnect from the wired network, and do a test off-network login, to make sure it’s going to work for you:
- At the login screen, it should say Log on to this computer. If it does not, find and click the link for Computer Only Logon.
- Put in your DOM ID and password.
- The computer should log you in and show you your desktop.
NOTE: If you’ve used this laptop before but have had a change of password since then, do a wired network login just to make sure your account is in sync.