1.  Run the Microsoft Remote Desktop Application as you normally would. 

2.  If you are connecting to a new remote computer – open the App and press the + button and choose “Add PC”



3.  Next, enter in the remote computer’s name followed by .dom.wisc.edumceclip1.png

4.  Click the dropdown next to “Gateway” and choose “add gateway”

5.  For the Gateway name enter: rdpgate.dom.wisc.edu”

6.  Leave User account as: Use PC user account

7.  Click Add

8.  Uncheck “Bypass for local addresses”

9.  Click Add

10.  This setup only needs to be done once.    Your computer will be saved into the “Saved PC” group. You will double click the computer name of the remote computer you are connecting to and enter your DOM credentials:

username: dom\    

DOM password

11.  Press continue


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