Software Overview

Each DOM Computer comes with standard, pre-loaded software. Standard software and updates are tested for compatibility and optimal performance with University of Wisconsin-Madison applications before release.

  1. Windows Standard Software
  2. Mac Standard Software

The UW Office of Cybersecurity requires the Department of Medicine IT to ensure IT security baseline is implemented. Therefore, only the DOM IT helpdesk is allowed to install software, unless it is available as an on-demand installation through the Zenworks Application, which does not require permissions from DOM IT.

Below are the instructions for how to access the Zenworks Application and install software on a DOM PC or Mac.

  1. Instructions for Windows
  2. Instructions for Mac

Free and University-Licensed Software

DOM users are not allowed to independently download free software from websites (this includes programs such as TRELLO, etc).  Please see below for a list of software that has already been reviewed for risk by our Network Security team.  DOM users should also contact DOM IT Helpdesk before purchasing software. 

UW Madison provides a no-charge or free software library - users must login with their campus Net ID to view the list. 


Specialty Software by Request

You may request additional software not available from the standard software package or from the on-demand download via Zenworks

Please check here Risk Reviewed and Approved Software – Department of Medicine IT Helpdesk ( for software that has already been reviewed for Risk and approved by DOM IT.  If the software you would like is not already approved – you must fill out this request form:  Please note software is reviewed every Tuesday and Thursday by the DOM Network Security Team.  Use cases for software involving cloud and/or sensitive/restrictive data can average 3-6 weeks for review by Campus Cybersecurity.


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