Please Note: you can only generate a report from meetings and events you have created

1.  Login to your webex account online at

2.  On your left side column, select Insights


3.  On the far top right, click on View more


4.  You will be taken to a page that has several report options for your meetings.

5.  For Webex Meetings, select Usage Report, It will take you to a page asking you what type of report you want to generate based on date range or topic title. Please Note: it can only go up to 3 months prior to the date that the report is generated


6.  It will generate a report of all your meetings between the 2 dates that you request. Select the meeting report that you want. There you will see who attended, how long, where from, etc.

7.  For Webex Events, select Attendance Report, it will take you to a page asking you what type of report you want based on date range or Event name/program, once you complete the information, select display report.


8.  You will see what events you have help, select the event and it will show you the attendance list and additional information.


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