User Eligibility

In general, all faculty and staff members who have an appointment within Department of Medicine (DOM) are eligible for access to DOM REDCap.

Users gain access to DOM REDCap when they are specified by the Principal Investigator / Data Custodian on the Project Request Form.  (Additional users may be requested later if necessary.)

Project Eligibility

Projects in DOM REDCap can be research, administrative, or operational support projects.  Each project request is reviewed individually.

Research projects require IRB approval before moving to production status and collecting data.   

Administrative, operational support projects, and any projects that are IRB-exempt may begin data collection as soon as the project is approved for production status by a REDCap administrator.


Account Requests

If you already have a REDCap project but you want to add additional users to the project, please complete this form:

Add Users to Existing REDCap Project Request Form


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