Microsoft Visio must be purchased for $64.64 - with a D-Number** and after it is installed - Office 365 must be reinstalled on your computer.  


Smart Draw is a similar product that is available through Campus for free.

Access the online version here:

  1. Create an account with your email address.
  2. Click on the Menu icon in the upper right
  3. Choose Enter License Key
  4. Enter the key - please see helpdesk for key.


** Software ordered from DoIT or Campus cannot be purchased with a regular fund number.  You need to provide a D number  (i.e. D001234) and this is charged back to their fund number. 

If you do not have a D number here is how to create one:

  1. Click on “Create DoIT Numbers” in the top red bar
  2. The first time you do this, you will need to enter your supervisor’s NetID, and the Dept ID range for divisions/areas you cover.
  3. This may take a day or 2 to receive this from campus (if you have questions or problems - please contact your Division accountant or Division Administrator

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