UW Divisional Funds
Academic discretionary funds are to support the career development of Faculty and APPs and faculty-mentored projects by covering publication fee expenses, offering travel expense assistance for meetings or conferences where you are presenting, and paying for other professional development opportunities.
Ex: These funds are managed by the Division Administration and usually from funds that start with 233.
UW Principle Investigator (PI) Funds
Funds that come from Principle Investigator Research funding sources, such as NIH, DOD, and other Research sponsored outside sources.
Ex: Funds that are managed by the PI.
UW Health Professional Funds
Otherwise known as UWMF Funding. Funds that come from the UW Health side. The expenses in this category are designed to support the professional development of the faculty and NPPs. The standard allocation for physicians, prorated by the start date, will be provided for all faculty with at least 0.2 FTE. The individual professional allowance allocation for NPPs is identified in the UW Health Non-Physician Provider Professional Expense Allowance and Continuing Professional Education Policy.
Non DOM Department, Center or Institute Funds
Departments, Research Centers and or Institutes that pay for DOM IT support.
This includes: CHDR, CHGPM, Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, WAI & UWCCC
SMPH Informatics & Information Technology
Interim ordering system until SMPH Navigator is in place for all of SMPH IIT.
This includes: Department of Anesthesiology, Center for Tobacco and Intervention, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Human Oncology, Department of Dermatology, Department of Medical Physics, Department of Neurology, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, Department of Pathology, Department of Pediatrics, Department of Psychology, Department of Radiology, Department of Surgery, Department of Urology.