Go to https://domcitrix.medicine.wisc.edu
Log in using your DOM credentials
This is the home screen
The first time you click an app to open it, you may notice that you get a download in the lower left corner, and nothing else happens.
Right-click that download and click “Always open files this of this type."
Still, nothing will happen just yet. Right-click that download again and choose “Open.”
Now something happens – the application actually opens. Next time you click an app icon, it will open automatically.
When your app (Word, Excel, or Powerpoint) is open, you can do File/Open and browse for your document. Both “home” and “team” will be on the G drive. It looks a little different here than it does when you are in the office, but still has all the same files and folders.
Apps opened from Citrix look exactly the same as they do when opened from your own computer.
You can make changes and save them just as easily, too.
When you’re done, close all your app windows to go back to the home screen. Click your name and choose “Log Off.”